Yoga group class pre-booking form

New student details

Age (approx)
Please indicate your level of experience where 1 is a beginner and 10 is advanced. If you haven't done yoga before, please give me an idea of your fitness level.
What would you like to get from this yoga class?

Health Information

This information is requested to ensure your safety and is not shared with anyone else. There will be plenty of time to discuss your health with me before your class starts too.
The following health conditions can impact on your yoga practice and may mean we need to avoid certain postures or breathing practices. Please indicate any areas that are an issue for you right now.
Are you or could you be pregnant?
Is it possible you've had Covid-19?
This information is solely to ensure I offer you the most appropriate breath advice for post-covid recovery.

Contact details and declaration

I confirm the above information is correct. I understand that it is my responsibility to: check with my doctor if I have any difficulties or concerns about my ability to participate in yoga, advise the yoga teacher of any change in my medical information, and to follow the advice given by my doctor and/or yoga teacher. I understand that I undertake this yoga practice at my own risk.(Required)