You will experience 3 of the most common yoga poses, try a breathing exercise and end the session feeling calm and relaxed.
do all your friends talk about how brillint yoga is but you’re just not sure?
are you unfit or unflexible?
do you want to ge the benefits of yoga but not sure if it’s for you?
have you tried a yoga video or general class and just got lost or felt like you couldn’t do it?
I’m an experienced, friendly teacher who remembers what it as like to go to that first yoga class!
Yoga has amazing health benefits, mental and physical. You can enjoy them too, even if you are unfit or unflexible right now. Imagine feeling calm and relaxed, you can get that too.
Start tody with someone who loves teaching yoga to beginners and who provides a welcoming envrionment to try it out.
I promise – Clear and simple explanations, no weird poses, yoga stuff you can do.