Articles & thoughts

Woman lying on her back on a yoga mat wiht cushions beneath her and a blanket over her. She has her knees bent and eyes closed. Looking very relaxed!

Restorative yoga & live cello workshop

My next workshop takes place on Sunday, May 26th at 4pm. In May, nature is at full throttle, her sounds and scents filling the air. But we don’t always feel quite the same! Let me help you access rest and gently recover your energy with a special 2 hour workshop. If the weather is good, …

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why practice gratitude?

It’s something you hear all the time isn’t it? Start a gratitude journal, practice gratitude every day, blah blah blah. But why should we practice gratitude? And HOW do we do that? In my experience, this gratitude stuff really works. It’s not a sudden dramatic thing, but gradually, as I’ve looked for something to be …

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Louise on a yoga mat with arms raised in a balancing tadasana pose. Rosie, the black and white dog is curled up on a stool behind her

join my online yoga membership today

📅 With three live classes a month, you’ll join me for a yoga practice that is adapted to you. Can’t make it to the live session? No worries! The recordings will be available for the entire month. You can practice at a time that suits you best. 🌈My membership is all about inclusivity. Whether you’re …

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What is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative yoga is a powerful practice that supports the body’s natural healing processes. By using props such as blankets, bolsters, and blocks, you are able to find a comfortable and supportive position for each pose, enabling you to hold each posture for longer periods of time. This allows your body to fully relax, release tension, …

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Boost Motivation and Focus with Yoga

Zero Motivation and Minimum Focus In theory, this is a busy time of year for yoga teachers. All those people wanting to take time for their health and wellbeing, and all ready to join yoga classes. And me? Staying up late and snoozing on the sofa, reading novels, doing puzzles. Zero motivation and minimum focus. …

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Looking after your mental health in challenging times

How are you? I hope you’re looking after your mental health at the moment. It’s tough to stay grounded and compassionate when the news is full of war. Our nervous systems have barely had a chance to recover from the panic and anxiety of the pandemic when we’re being activated again. The stress hangs around …

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5 easy yoga practices to naturally boost your mood

Recently my students have been asking whether there were any yoga poses to help them boost their mood naturally. There are definitely some poses that are more uplifting energetically and I share some movements below that I hope many people will find easy to do. There are also some breathing practices that can help, so …

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Self love rather than self care for me this week

How are you finding October? It gets very damp here on the coast in Co Kerry, Ireland and at some point the temperature will drop considerably as the leaves drop too. It’s too soon to get excited for Christmas (is it??) so as the nights get longer and we wait for the first storm of …

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